Karibu Nyumbani (Welcome Home)| $300
This package includes: meeting you at your home when you’re released from the hospital, getting you unpacked and settled in, answering newborn care questions, newborn feeding support, setting you up with dinner and snacks for the next couple of days, and tucking you in for a nap while we get baby settled.
We spend 6 hours with you that first day home and 4 hours the following day to make sure that you’re feeling confident and comfortable during this transition into parenthood.
Mkono Wa Mama (Mother’s Hand)| $480
This package includes: postpartum recovery education, newborn care guidance, newborn feeding support, prepping meals and snacks, light household chores and errands, sibling transition assistance, establishing safe sleep practices, and more.
This package includes 16 hours of daytime postpartum support, typically scheduled in 4 hour shifts.
Professional postpartum support is key to building a solid foundation.
Marejesho ya Marejesho (Restorative Rest)| $840
This package includes: Three 8 hour nights of restorative rest for new parents. Our postpartum doula comes in to care for the baby while YOU get some much needed, restorative sleep. We know that sleep is vital to living our best life; that doesn’t change just because we’ve had a baby. We’ll check off some of your to-do list around the house while we’re there.
Rest is crucial to everyone in the family so we spend that time working on healthy sleep habits for your little one, too.